Migrating IDMS to Java + RDBMS

CA IDMS provided a stable, dependable, and robust environment for mainframe applications for many years but today it is one of the most expensive and challenging technologies to maintain on the mainframe.

As expenses rise and the mainframe talent shortage grows, it is mission-critical to evaluate options to modernize your ADS and IDMS applications.

This white paper gives an overview of how to make the step from IDMS to Java + RDBMS and how Astadia's tools make this transition possible.

You will learn about:

  • Migrating from IDMS to Java + RDBMS in the cloud
  • IDMS to Java: + RDBMS: Architecting a migration
  • COBOL/DML to Java
  • ADS/O dialogs to Java
  • Standard cloud architecture for migrated online applications

IDMS to Java white paper

For an extensive and detailed documentation, our IDMS to Java + RDBMS Research Paper is available upon request.

Download the White Paper

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