Migrating Natural to COBOL

How can businesses move safely and cost-effectively from SAG Natural to COBOL? This document explores migration through automated code conversion, a mature approach being perfected by the software company Astadia, as an answer to this question.

The document explores the key business drivers for making the step from Natural to COBOL, and how Astadia tools make this transition possible.

It will explain the added value Astadia migration offers over other approaches and demystify the migration process with a step-by-step look at the way Natural can be transformed into working, maintainable COBOL code.

Why Migrate from Adabas & Natural?

There are many good reasons to make the move from Natural to a different language/platform, but the following are the largest concerns for businesses:

  • High (and continuously increasing) maintenance and runtime fees for the existing Natural products
  • Shrinking availability of Natural developers and lack of interest in Natural from young developers
  • Lack of an easy transition path from the mainframe version of Natural to its Linux, Unix, and Windows platform versions.

With COBOL as target, there are two main options:

  1. Staying on the mainframe or
  2. Moving off the mainframe to open systems (Windows/Unix/Linux)

Download the white paper and contact our team to learn more.

Natural to COBOL White Paper

For an extensive and detailed documentation, our Natural to COBOL Research Paper is available upon request.

Download the White Paper

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